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Truth Seeker » Guided Atheists

  • I grew up being one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-Islam people you could ever meet. This is true: I was. I had also been anti-Arab before moving to Cairo to study Arabic (I thought Arabic calligraphy was beautiful). I’d grown up in the States, raised on American movies, which always portrayed Arabs as fundamentalists, radicals, women-oppressors, religious fanatics, terrorists, never normal, average people

    An Icelander’s Journey to Light

    I grew up being one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-Islam people you could ever meet. This is true: I was. I had also been anti-Arab before moving to Cairo to study Arabic (I thought Arabic calligraphy was beautiful). I’d grown up in the States, raised on American movies, which always portrayed Arabs as fundamentalists, radicals, women-oppressors, religious fanatics, terrorists, never normal, average people
  • That night I went online to begin my new spiritual search. I went to many online sites, and I ordered information from many of them. Then I went to, and I read a beautiful article entitled, " The Fall of Atheism ." I read some interesting facts about the Qur'an, and I said to myself, this might be the way that God has led me. But it was still too soon to tell.

    An American Mormon’s Journey to Islam

    That night I went online to begin my new spiritual search. I went to many online sites, and I ordered information from many of them. Then I went to, and I read a beautiful article entitled, " The Fall of Atheism ." I read some interesting facts about the Qur'an, and I said to myself, this might be the way that God has led me. But it was still too soon to tell.
  • I was not brought up in a religious household. It was not even a nominally religious household, if I am honest. My father was always extremely and violently anti-faith, no matter which faith, and no matter which way it manifested itself. When I was a girl of about 12, I discovered “religion”. I had a profound belief in God, but only really being exposed to “mainstream” Christianity, that’s all I really understood...

    After a Long Search … I Found God

    I was not brought up in a religious household. It was not even a nominally religious household, if I am honest. My father was always extremely and violently anti-faith, no matter which faith, and no matter which way it manifested itself. When I was a girl of about 12, I discovered “religion”. I had a profound belief in God, but only really being exposed to “mainstream” Christianity, that’s all I really understood...
  • Lesley Hazleton, previously known by The Accidental Theologist, author of "After the Prophet: the Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split," speaks to a group of American Muslims about a new biography about Prophet Muhammad. Join us to watch this interesting video.

    An Agnostic Jew Talks About Prophet Muhammad

    Lesley Hazleton, previously known by The Accidental Theologist, author of "After the Prophet: the Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split," speaks to a group of American Muslims about a new biography about Prophet Muhammad. Join us to watch this interesting video.
  • I began to look again closely at the beauty of Islam, the science of Islam, and the life of Muhammad (peace be upon him). I began looking at all the fundamentals of Islamic Faith and marveled at each one. The way that Muslims prayed and humbled themselves before Allah 5 times per day, served as a constant reminder that they were mortal and following a higher power.

    Sam Needham, Ex-Agnostic, UK

    I began to look again closely at the beauty of Islam, the science of Islam, and the life of Muhammad (peace be upon him). I began looking at all the fundamentals of Islamic Faith and marveled at each one. The way that Muslims prayed and humbled themselves before Allah 5 times per day, served as a constant reminder that they were mortal and following a higher power.
  • The life of a Muslim in Germany is quite difficult than one would think especially for me as a German Muslim because when someone asks a German what they know about Islam; they would tell you something about Arabs. For them it is like mathematical operation, Islam = Arabs.

    Yahya Schroder, Ex-Secularist, Germany

    The life of a Muslim in Germany is quite difficult than one would think especially for me as a German Muslim because when someone asks a German what they know about Islam; they would tell you something about Arabs. For them it is like mathematical operation, Islam = Arabs.
  • I thought the word “Muslim” was the term for an ethnic group, and I was only concerned about the Iraq war when innocent people were raped in that Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

    The Conversion Story of C.S. Mathos, Ex-Atheist, USA

    I thought the word “Muslim” was the term for an ethnic group, and I was only concerned about the Iraq war when innocent people were raped in that Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
  • No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging. There seems no better way towards tranquility and contentment in life, no greater promise for the future after death.

    A Personal Account of an Ex-Secularist

    No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging. There seems no better way towards tranquility and contentment in life, no greater promise for the future after death.
  • This is a movie that relates to us the journey of a Japanese sister named Seiju from atheism to Islam. She is a young Japanese girl who discovers Islam unexpectedly during her experiences in America. Join us to watch the whole movie.

    A Japanese Girl’s Journey from Atheism to Islam (1-6)

    This is a movie that relates to us the journey of a Japanese sister named Seiju from atheism to Islam. She is a young Japanese girl who discovers Islam unexpectedly during her experiences in America. Join us to watch the whole movie.
  • This is the fourth and last part of the autobiography of Ologunde Sa, the Indian Ex-atheist woman who turned to Islam after a very long journey that witnessed so many various stages. Each stage led to the next by Allah’s Grace and Mercy. In this part we will see how she, after deciding to accept Islam, faces one of the hardest decisions in life. She had to choose either to stay with her husband or to become a real Muslim.

    The Journey of an Indian Ex-Atheist Woman to Islam (part 4/4)

    This is the fourth and last part of the autobiography of Ologunde Sa, the Indian Ex-atheist woman who turned to Islam after a very long journey that witnessed so many various stages. Each stage led to the next by Allah’s Grace and Mercy. In this part we will see how she, after deciding to accept Islam, faces one of the hardest decisions in life. She had to choose either to stay with her husband or to become a real Muslim.
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